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Reusable Produce Bags Australia (5 Pack+)
Reusable Produce Bags Australia (5 Pack+)

Reusable Produce Bags Australia (5 Pack+)

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Description - 

  • 15cm x 12cm
  • Reusable & Washable

Shipping is calculated directly from Australia Post. If you want to place order more than 200 then please go to wholesale inquiry. 


Produce Bag can replace your single-use plastic bag and can be popularly used to store your fruits and vegetables. You can use them in supermarkets, farmers' markets and fruit & vegetable shops. We have a variety of reusable produce bags that can be washed at home.

Babson Best Bags is an Australian business, providing reusable and durable, produce bags to their wide range of Customers. Make the switch to this sustainable option to not only protect the environment but also keeping your produce fresher for a long time.

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